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- This concept and the messages were created by
- _Qu^rtZ_ for Aut0Bot. It was originally done
- in 3 separate files.
- I (scoobster) just changed it to put it all in
- 1 file readable by the $readini command (keeps
- it neater and all in one place).
- If you take this out of Little Star, please
- give credit to _Qu^rtZ_, not me!
- [First]
- n0=malignant
- n1=large
- n2=humungous
- n3=gigantic
- n4=colossal
- n5=pathetic
- n6=puny
- n7=stupid
- n8=incredible
- n9=smelly
- n10=fermenting
- n11=substantial
- n12=massive
- n13=gross
- n14=disgusting
- n15=sickening
- n16=hurl-inducing
- n17=nauseating
- n18=foul
- n19=loathsome
- n20=putrid
- n21=repulsive
- n22=revolting
- n23=abominable
- n24=obnoxious
- n25=repugnant
- n26=distasteful
- n27=contaminated
- n28=dirty
- n29=filthy
- n30=grotty
- n31=polluted
- n32=stinking
- n33=despicable
- n34=mucky
- n35=mangled
- n36=sloppy
- n37=rotting
- n38=steaming
- n39=pitiful
- n40=I'll hit you so hard by the time you come down, you'll need a passport and a plane ticket back!
- n41=I'll hit you so hard you'll have to take off your shoes to shit!
- n42=I'll hit you so hard you'll have to unzip your pants to say hi!
- n43=I'll hit you so hard your kids will be born dizzy!
- n44=I'll hit you so hard your wife will fall!
- n44=Your Mama's so stupid, she thinks socialism means partying!
- n45=Your Mama's so stupid, she thinks manual labor is a Mexican!
- n46=Your Mama's so stupid, she thinks Johnny Cash is a pay toilet!
- n47=Your Mama's so stupid, she takes an hour and a half to watch "60 Minutes"!
- n48=Your Mama's so stupid, she probably thinks Taco Bell is where you pay your telephone bill.
- n49=Your Mama's so stupid, she has blonde roots in your eyeballs.
- n50=Your Mama's so stupid, she got fired from the M & M factory for throwing away all the W's.
- n51=Your Mama's so stupid, she went to a Clippers game to get a hair cut.
- n52=Your Mama's so stupid, she went to a Whalers game to see Shamu.
- n53=Your Mama's so stupid, it takes her an hour to cook minute rice.
- n54=Your Mama's so stupid, I saw her in the frozen food section w/a fishing rod.
- n55=Your Mama's so stupid, she needs a ruler beside her bed to see how long she can sleep.
- n56=Your Mama's so stupid, she got hit by a cup and said she got mugged.
- n57=Your Mama's so stupid, she sold the car for gas money
- n58=Your Mama's so stupid, she cooked her own complimentary breakfast.
- n59=Your Mama's so stupid, when she saw the NC-17 (under 17 not admitted) sign, she went home and got 16 friends
- n60=Your Mama's so stupid, when your dad said it was chilly outside, she ran outside with a spoon
- n61=Your Mama's so stupid, she told everyone that she was "illegitiment" because she couldn't read.
- n62=Your Mama's so stupid, she got stabbed at a shoot-out.
- n63=Your Mama's so stupid, she got hit by a parked car.
- n64=Your Mama's so ugly, they used to push her face into dough to make gorilla biscuits
- n65=Your Mama's so ugly, she'd make a train take a dirt road!
- n66=Your Mama's so ugly, she joined an ugly contest but they said "Sorry, no professionals!"
- n67=Your Mama's so ugly, her face is closed on weekends!
- n68=Your Mama's so ugly, she could be the poster child for abortion/birth control!
- n69=Your Mama's so ugly, if my dog looked like her, I'd shave its ass and teach it to walk backwards!
- n70=Your Mama's so ugly, when she was born the doctor slapped your mother!
- n71=Your Mama's so ugly, when she were born, your mother saw the afterbirth and said "Twins!"
- n72=Your Mama's so ugly, they know what time she were born, because her face stopped the clock!
- n73=Your Mama's so ugly, she could scare the moss off a rock!
- n74=Your Mama's so ugly, she could scare the chrome off a bumper!
- n75=Your Mama's so ugly, when she cries the tears run up her face.
- n76=Your Mama's so ugly, her mother had to feed her with a sling shot.
- n77=Your Mama's so ugly, her mother had to tie a steak around her neck to get the dog to play with her.
- n78=Your Mama's so ugly, her armpits are so hairy it looks like she had Buckwheat in a headlock.
- n79=Your Mama's so ugly, the psychiatrist makes her lie facedown.
- n80=They say that beauty is only a light switch away, with your mom I had to use a black light.
- n81=Your mom's got snakeskin teeth.
- n82=Your mom's got hair on her tongue and she gargles w/curl activator.
- n83=Your mom's got a wooden leg w/a real foot.
- n84=Your mom's got a leather wig w/suede sideburns.
- n85=Your Mama's so ugly, she has three teeth...one in her mouth & two in her pocket.
- n86=Your Mama's breath's so strong, she be blowin' bubbles with Now & Laters.
- n87=Your Mama's so old, her birthday's expired.
- n88=Your Mother is so old, I told her to start acting her age and the bitch died.
- n89=Your Mama's so old she owes Jesus Christ a quarter
- n90=Your Mama's so ugly, when she goes to a hair salon, she told the stylist to cut her hair and she opened up her shirt.
- n94=Your Mama's so ugly, she looks out the window and got arrested for mooning.
- n95=Your Mama's so ugly, just after she was born, her mother said "What a treasure!" and her father said "Yes, let's go bury it."
- n96=Your Mama's so ugly, they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in her shower.
- n97=Your Mama's so ugly, they didn't give her a costume when she tried out for Star Wars.
- n98=Your Mama's so ugly, instead of putting the bungee cord around her ankle, they put it around her neck
- n99=Your Mama's so ugly, she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween.
- n101=Your Mama's so ugly, when she walks into a bank, they turn off the surveillance cameras
- n102=Your Mama's so ugly, her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her
- n103=Your Mama's so ugly, when she walks down the street in September, people say "Damn, is it Halloween already?"
- n104=Your Mama's so ugly, the government moved Halloween to her birthday.
- n105=Your Mama's so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits AROUND the HOUSE
- n106=Your Mama's so fat, a picture of her would fall off the wall!
- n107=Your Mama's so fat, if she weighed five more pounds, she could get group insurance!
- n108=Your Mama's so fat, she gets clothes in three sizes: extra large, jumbo, and oh-my-god-it's-coming-towards-us!
- n109=Your Mama's so fat, if she got her shoes shined, she'd have to take his word for it!
- n111=Your Mama's so fat, when her beeper goes off, people thought she was backing up.
- n112=Your Mama's so fat, she has to use a mattress as a maxi-pad.
- n113=Your Mama's so fat, it takes her two trips to haul ass.
- n114=Your Mama's so fat, her yearbook picture was an aerial photo.
- n115=Your Mama's so fat, I had to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot.
- n116=Your Mama's so fat, I had to slap her thigh and ride the wave in.
- n117=Your Mama's so fat, at the zoo the elephants started throwing Her peanuts.
- n118=Your Mama's so fat, she jumped up in the air -- AND GOT STUCK!
- n119=Your Mama's so fat, when she wears a yellow raincoat, people said "Taxi!"
- n120=Your Mama's so fat, she had to go to Sea World to get baptized
- n121=Your Mama's so fat, she got to iron her pants on the driveway
- n122=Your Mama's so fat, she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller
- n123=Your Mama's so fat, she got to pull down her pants to get into her pockets
- n124=Your Mama's so fat, when she steps on a scale, it read "...to be continued"
- n125=Your Mama's so fat, when she tripped over on 4th ave., she landed on 12th
- n126=Your Mama's so fat, when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too
- n127=Your Mama's so fat, the highway patrol made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn"
- n128=Your Mama's so fat, when she steps on a scale, it read "one at a time, please"
- n129=Your Mama's so fat, everytime she wears high heels, she strikes oil.
- n130='Scuse me, I can't seem to find my dick. Mind if I look in your mother's mouth?
- n131=Your wife said she liked seafood. So I gave her crabs.
- n132=Are those your tits, or did Laurel and Hardy leave you their heads?
- n133=Is that an accent, or is your mouth just full of sperm?
- n134=If I had change for a buck, I could have been your dad!
- n135=The difference between your mama and a rooster? The rooster says cock-a-doodle doo, your mama says any-cock'll do.
- n136=I would have been your dad, but the guy in front of me had exact change.
- n137=You're so skinny, that you use a bandaid as a maxi-pad.
- n138=You're like a light switch, even a little kid can turn you on.
- n139=Your mother's like a doorknob, everybody gets a turn.
- n140=Your mother's like a birthday cake, everybody gets a piece.
- n141=Your mother's like mustard, she spreads easy.
- n142=I saved your mother's life today... I killed a shit-eating dog on the way over.
- n143=Your Mama's so poor she went to McDonald's to put a shake on layaway
- n144=Your Mama's so poor, when I saw her kicking a can down the street, I asked her what she was doing, she said "Moving."
- n145=Your Mom's like a race car driver... she burns a lot of rubbers
- n146=Your Mom's like a doorknob... everybody gets a turn
- n147=Your Mom's like an ice cream cone... everyone gets a lick
- n148=Your Mom's like a bowling ball you can fit three fingers in
- n149=Your Mom's like a bowling ball she always winds up in the gutter
- n150=Your Mom's like a bowling ball she always comes back for more
- n151=Your Mom's like McDonalds... Billions and Billions served
- n152=Your Mom's like Denny's... open 24 hours
- n153=Your Mom's like a shotgun... give her a cock and she blows
- n154=Your Mom's like 7-Up...never had it never will.
- n155=Your mama's like a railroad track: She gets laid all over the country.
- n156=Your mama's like a goalie: she changes her pads after three periods.
- n157=Your mama's like Crazy Eddie, she's practically giving it all away
- n158=Your mama's like a Christmas tree, everybody hangs balls on her.
- n159=Your mom is like a postage stamp, you lick her, stick her, then send her away.
- n160=Your so skinny, that you use a bandaid as a maxi-pad.
- n161=I'm looking forward to the pleasure of your company since I haven't had it yet.
- n162=When you pass away and people ask me what the cause of your death was, I'll say your stupidity.
- n163=Well I'll see you in my dreams - if I eat too much.
- n164=I've had many cases of love that were just infatuation, but this hate I feel for you is definately the real thing.
- n165=You're the best at all you do - and all you do is make people hate you.
- n166=Don't you realize that there are enough people to hate in the world already without your working so hard to give us another?
- n167=The thing that terrifies me the most is that someone might hate me as much as I loathe you.
- n168=When you get run over by a car it shouldn't be listed under accidents.
- n169=All of your ancestors must number in the millions; its hard to believe that many people are to blame for producing you.
- n170=Ever since I saw you in your family tree I've wanted to cut it down.
- n171=I hear that when you were a child your mother wanted to hire someone to take care of you but the Mafia wanted too much.
- n172=I hear that when your mother first saw you she decided to leave you on the front steps of a police station while she turned herself in.
- n173=You were born because your mother didn't believe in abortion; now she believes in infanticide.
- n174=No one should be punished for an accident of birth but you look too much like a wreck not to be.
- n175=Yours was an unnatural birth; you came from a human being.
- n176=You were the answer to a prayer. Your parents prayed that the world would be made to suffer and here you came along.
- n177=You're a habit I'd like to kick; with both feet.
- n178=I hear the only place you're ever invited is outside.
- n179=I would like the pleasure of your company but it only gives me displeasure.
- n180=You've never been outspoken; no one has ever been able to.
- n181=At your speed you'd better not stop your mouth too fast or your teeth will fly through your cranium.
- n182=If you ever tax your brain, don't charge more than a penny.
- n183=Don't you have a terribly empty feeling ---- in your skull?
- n184=You have nothing to fear from my baser instincts; its my finer ones that tell me to kill you.
- n185=It's your life --- but I wish you'd let us have it.
- n186=I don't consider you a vulture. I consider you something a vulture would eat.
- n187=I think you should live for the moment. But after that I doubt I'll think so.
- n188=Man alive! But I wish you weren't.
- n189=I believe in respect for the dead; in fact I could only respect you if you WERE dead.
- n190=I admire you because I've never had the courage it takes to be a liar, a thief, and a cheat.
- n191=You're acquitting yourself in such a way that no jury ever would.
- n192=You have a face only a mother could love - and she hates it!
- n193=You never strike out blindly; you fail in the light.
- [Second]
- n0=pile
- n1=heap
- n2=piece
- n3=puddle
- n4=accumulation
- n5=mass
- n6=assortment
- n7=collection
- n8=mound
- n9=gathering
- n10=bag
- n11=build-up
- n12=conglomeration
- n13=hodgepodge
- n14=jumble
- n15=splodge
- n16=shovel-load
- n17=helping
- n18=wheelbarrow
- n19=plateful
- n20=glob
- n21=bowl
- n22=mess
- n23=botch
- n24=mix
- n25=mishmash
- n26=concentration
- n27=blob
- n28=cart-load
- n29=cauldron
- n30=manifestation
- [Third]
- n0=rabbits refuge
- n1=weasel wastings
- n2=elephants excrement
- n3=toilet flushings
- n4=scrotum bundles
- n5=watery diarrhea
- n6=festering gangrene
- n7=dogs piddle
- n8=crunchy cockroaches
- n9=warthog spines
- n10=mutating bacteria
- n11=yellowhead puss
- n12=dogsdinner leftovers
- n13=congealed toe-nail clippings
- n14=soiled underwear
- n15=orangutan urine
- n16=chest bile
- n17=stomach chunks
- n18=earwax scrapings
- n19=fly spittle
- n20=mould fluff
- n21=fish eggs
- n22=camel spittle
- n23=worms intestines
- n24=owls food balls
- n25=fresh manure
- n26=year old moth balls
- n27=horse turd
- n28=dung beetles
- n29=greasy dandruff
- n30=slimy frogspawn
- n31=green nose pickings
- n32=navel fluff
- n33=bed lice
- n34=caterpillar mucus
- n35=tadpole entrails
- n36=writhing maggots
- n37=monkeys nuts
- n38=doggy drool
- n39=hippo faeces
- n40=rotting compost
- n41=pork scratchings
- n42=mushy peas